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Death Metal
966 Künstler im
"Death Metal"
13th Moon (ES)
1914 (UA)
200 Stab Wounds (US)
45 CBS (DE)
Abhomine (US)
Aborted (BE)
Abrasive (DE)
Abrupt Demise (NL)
Absorb (DE)
Abstractyss (DE)
Abysmal Dawn (US)
Abyssal (GB)
Abyssic (NO)
Abyssopelagial (DE)
Abyssous (DE)
Abythic (DE)
Abyzz (DE)
Acheron (US)
Ad Cinerem (DE)
Ad Nemori (DE)
Adorior (GB)
Aeon (SE)
Aeons Confer (DE)
Aeternam (CA)
Aeternus (NO)
AgarSoron (DE)
Aimless Death (DE)
Alchemyst (DE)
Alkaloid (DE)
Alluvial (US)
Altar (NL)
Altarage (ES)
Altars Ablaze (CZ)
Alteration (DE)
Among Rats (AT)
Amoral (FI)
Amphigory (DE)
Amputate (CH)
Anal Vomit (PE)
Anasarca (DE)
Anatomia (JP)
Angelcorpse (US)
Angelcrypt (MT)
Angelcunt (AT)
Anime Torment (CZ)
Anity (DE)
Antaeus (FR)
Antichrist Siege Machine (US)
Antilles (DE)
Antiversum (CH)
Antropomorphia (NL)
Apep (DE)
Apophis (DE)
Archaic Thorn (DE)
Argash (DE)
Arkham Circle (DE)
Armada (MX)
Armagenda (DE)
Arroganz (DE)
Ascended Dead (US)
Aschenvater (DE)
Asenblut (DE)
Ashes Of A Lifetime (DE)
Askesis (IT)
Asphyx (NL)
Atomwinter (DE)
Auroch (CA)
Autopsy (US)
Avowal (DE)
Avulsed (ES)
Azarath (PL)
Back to Ordovizium (DE)
Baest (DK)
Balgeroth (DE)
Balmog (ES)
Barren Chainsaw Grind (BE)
Barren Earth (FI)
Basement Ritual (DE)
Bastard Grave (SE)
Bedsore (IT)
Beheaded (MT)
Belphegor (AT)
Benediction (GB)
Bereavement (AT)
Berzerker Legion (SE)
Bestial Bukkake (DE)
Bestial Raids (PL)
Betalmand (DE)
Betrayal (DE)
Bitterness (DE)
Black Curse (US)
Black Sun Aeon (FI)
Blackest Dawn (DE)
Bliss of Flesh (FR)
Blodtåke (DE)
Blood (DE)
Blood Fire Death (DE)
Blood Incantation (US)
Blood Of Seklution (IT)
Blood Red Throne (NO)
Blood Torrent (DE)
Bloodbath (SE)
Bloodland (DE)
Bloodphemy (NL)
Bloodspot (DE)
Bloody Invasion (DE)
Bloody Maria (DE)
Bloody Vengeance (DE)
Blutspiel (CH)
Bodyfarm (NL)
Bohemyst (CZ)
Bokor (DE)
Bolt Thrower (GB)
Bölzer (CH)
Bombs Of Hades (SE)
Bonecarver (ES)
Borussia Satan (DE)
Bösedeath (DE)
Bound To Prevail (MT)
Bowel Evacuation (DE)
Brand Of Sacrifice (CA)
Brat (US)
Breed of Scorn (DE)
Briars of Sin (DE)
Brimstone Gate (DE)
Broken Hope (US)
Brujeria (MX)
Brutal Truth (US)
Brutality (US)
Burden of Grief (DE)
Burial (IT)
Burial Remains (NL)
Burning Butthairs (DE)
Cadaver (NO)
Cadaveric Fumes (FR)
Cadaveric Incubator (FI)
Cadaverous Stench (DE)
Call of Charon (DE)
Calliophis (DE)
Cancer (GB)
Cannibal Corpse (US)
Carnage (DE)
Carnal Ghoul (DE)
Carnal Tomb (DE)
Carnation (BE)
Casket (DE)
Cattle Decapitation (US)
Cemetery (DE)
Centinex (SE)
Cephalic Carnage (US)
Cerebral Rot (US)
Ch'ahom (DE)
Chaos And Confusion (DE)
Chapel of Disease (DE)
Chopped in Half (DE)
Ciemra (BY)
Claustrum (IT)
Cliteater (NL)
Cobalt (US)
Coffin Feeder (US)
Coffins (JP)
Collapse Instinct (DE)
Combustion (DE)
Commander (DE)
Concrete Cold (DE)
Concrete Winds (FI)
Constraint (CH)
Controversial (DE)
Convulse (FI)
Corium Temple (DE)
Corpserot (DE)
Corpsessed (FI)
Corrode (DE)
Corrupt (US)
Coscradh (IE)
Cosmovore (DE)
Crack Up (DE)
Creed Zero (DE)
Creeping Death (US)
Cremation (CH)
Crest of Darkness (NO)
Crimson Death (DE)
Cripper (DE)
Critical Mess (DE)
Crocell (DK)
Crown the Beast (DK)
Cryptic Brood (DE)
Crypts (DE)
Crypts Of Despair (LT)
Cult Of Soteira (DE)
Cut Up (SE)
Cyness (DE)
Cyrox (AT)
Cytotoxin (DE)
Daisy Cutter (DE)
Dark Zodiak (DE)
Darkrise (CH)
Das Letzte Lager (DE)
Dawn of Disease (DE)
De Profundis (GB)
Dead (DE)
Dead Alone (DE)
Dead Chasm (IT)
Dead Congregation (GR)
Dead Head (NL)
Dead Sunday (DE)
Deadborn (DE)
Deadspeak (NL)
Death (US)
Death By Rhino (DE)
Death Infusion (DE)
Death Kommander (GB)
Death Reich (SE)
Death To All (US)
Death Worship (CA)
Deathawaits (FR)
Deathcult (CH)
Deathrite (DE)
Deathronation (DE)
Deathstorm (PL)
Debauchery (DE)
Decapitated (PL)
Decaying (FI)
Décembre Noir (DE)
Decision (DE)
Defaced (CH)
Defaced Humanity (DE)
Defleshed (SE)
Degial (SE)
Dehuman Reign (DE)
Deicide (US)
Deinquisitor (DK)
Deiphago (PH)
Deitus (GB)
Delight To Divide (DE)
Dellamorte (SE)
Demantor (DE)
Demilich (FI)
Demonbreed (DE)
Demonical (SE)
Demonomancy (IT)
Demored (DE)
Demorphed (DE)
Deny the Urge (DE)
Depravation (DE)
Deserted Fear (DE)
Destillat (DE)
Destructo (NL)
Desultory (SE)
Deus Inversus (DE)
Devils Rage (CH)
Devoid Of Thought (IT)
Dew Scented (DE)
Diabolical (SE)
Diaroe (DE)
Die Hard (SE)
Digest! (DE)
Dikasterion (BE)
Diocletian (NZ)
Disaster K.F.W. (DE)
Disbelief (DE)
Discreation (DE)
Disguised Malignance (FI)
Disgusting Perversion (DE)
Disharmonic Orchestra (AT)
Diskord (NO)
Dismember (SE)
Disparaged (CH)
Disreality (DE)
Disrepute (DE)
Dissecdead (DE)
Divide (DE)
Dogma Omega (DE)
Doombringer (PL)
Doomentor (DE)
Dormant Ordeal (PL)
Doublewide (DE)
Drill Star Autopsy (DE)
Drottin (IS)
Drowned (DE)
Dying Fetus (US)
Dyscarnate (GB)
Eggs Of Gomorrh (CH)
Egoist (DE)
Eisregen (DE)
Ekpyrosis (IT)
Embedded (DE)
Embrace the Darkness (CZ)
Eminenz (DE)
Endlevel (DE)
Endonomos (AT)
endotherm (DE)
Endseeker (DE)
Engulfed (TR)
Ensanguinate (SI)
Entheos (US)
Entombed (SE)
Entombed A.D. (SE)
Entrails (SE)
Envig (SE)
Epidemic Scorn (DE)
Eraser (DE)
Erebos (AT)
Ered (ES)
Eroded (DE)
Escarnium (BR)
Essenz (DE)
Evil Spirit (DE)
Evil Warriors (DE)
Evocation (SE)
Ex Deo (CA)
Excaved (DE)
Excruciation (CH)
Execration (NO)
Exhumed (US)
Exidium (CH)
Exit Humanity (DE)
Eyemaster (DE)
Facebreaker (SE)
Facing Madness (NL)
Fallen Saints (DE)
Farsoth (SE)
Feaces Christ (DE)
Fear Connection (DE)
Feral (SE)
Final Breath (DE)
Final Plague (DE)
Firespawn (SE)
Fit For An Autopsy (US)
Flesh Trading Company (DE)
Fleshcrawl (DE)
Fleshgod Apocalypse (IT)
Fleshless (CZ)
Fleshsphere (DE)
Fleshworks (DE)
For Victory - Bolt Thrower Salute Band (DE)
Fracturus (CA)
Fragmentory (DE)
From The Crypt (NL)
Frozen Soul (US)
Full Blown Chaos (US)
Fuming Mouth (US)
Funeral Pile (DE)
Fuoco Fatuo (IT)
Gadget (SE)
Galadriel (SK)
Galvanizer (FI)
Garden of Sinners (DE)
Gatecreeper (US)
General Surgery (SE)
Ghastly (FI)
Gleichmacher (DE)
Goat Semen (PE)
Goatburner (FI)
Goatcraft (SK)
Goath (DE)
Goatthornsscullbonecrusher (DE)
God Dethroned (NL)
God Macabre (SE)
Godmorgon (DE)
Gods Forsaken (SE)
Golem (DE)
Gomorrha (DE)
Gore Insanity (DE)
Goregonzola (DE)
Gorephilia (FI)
Gorerotted (GB)
Gorilla Monsoon (DE)
Gorleben (DE)
Gorod (FR)
Gorthrim (DE)
Graceless (NL)
Grand Cadaver (SE)
Grand Old Wrath (DE)
Grand Supreme Blood Court (NL)
Grave (SE)
Grave Desecrator (BR)
Grave Miasma (GB)
Gravehammer (DE)
Gravestone (SE)
Graveyard (ES)
Gribberiket (NO)
Gruesome (US)
Gruesome Stuff Relish (ES)
Gutless (AU)
Gutrectomy (DE)
Gvllotine (DE)
Gyze (JP)
Hackneyed (DE)
Haggard (DE)
Hail of Bullets (NL)
Hailstone (DE)
Hallucinate (DE)
Hamarsheimt (DE)
Hamferð (FO)
Harrowed (SE)
Hate (PL)
Hate Eternal (US)
Hate Squad (DE)
HateSphere (DK)
Haunted Cemetery (DE)
Haunter (US)
Heaven Shall Burn (DE)
Hell:on (UA)
Hellfire Deathcult (US)
Hellgrav (DE)
Helslave (IT)
Helsott (US)
Hemdale (US)
Heretic Warfare (DE)
HerezA (DE)
Hexadar (DE)
Hierophant (IT)
Home Reared Meat (DE)
Hooded Menace (FI)
Hordes of Defences (DE)
Hour Of Penance (IT)
Hrast (DE)
Human Destroyer (DE)
Humanart (PT)
Humator (DE)
Humiliation (MY)
Hyperdontia (DK)
Hypnos (CZ)
Hypocrisy (SE)
I Am Morbid (US)
I I - Infernal Invocation (DE)
Ibex Angel Order (NL)
Ichorid (DE)
Illdisposed (DK)
Immane (DE)
Immolation (US)
Impalement (CH)
Impaler (DE)
Impermanence (DE)
Impetuous Ritual (AU)
Impiety (SG)
Impious (SE)
Implore (DE)
Impureza (FR)
In Demise (DE)
Inc (DE)
Incantation (US)
Incapacity (SE)
Incarceration (DE)
Incertain (DE)
Inconcessus Lux Lucis (GB)
Incremate (DE)
Industrial Puke (SE)
Infected Chaos (AT)
Infernal Devestation (DE)
Infernal Majesty (CA)
Infest (RS)
Ingested (GB)
Inhumate (FR)
Injury (IT)
Insulter (DE)
Intended Execution (DE)
Interment (SE)
Internal Bleeding (US)
Into Darkness (DE)
Intoxicum (DE)
Intrepid (EE)
Irate Architect (DE)
Iron Flesh (FR)
Izegrim (NL)
Jesus Crustus (DE)
Job For A Cowboy (US)
Journey of D.C. (DE)
Jungle Rot (US)
Jupiterian (BR)
Just Before Dawn (SE)
Kaamos (SE)
Kadaverficker (DE)
Kanine (FR)
Kanonenfieber (DE)
Kapala (DE)
Karner (AT)
Karnickelmesser (DE)
Katafalk (NL)
Kataklysm (CA)
Katalepsy (RU)
Kathartik (DE)
Kaunis Kuolematon (FI)
Keitzer (DE)
Keres (IT)
Ketzer (DE)
Khaos (DE)
Khthoniik Cerviiks (DE)
Killing Capacity (DE)
Killing Spree (DE)
Konkhra (DK)
Konvent (DK)
Korpsesoturi (FI)
Kosmokrator (BE)
Kriegszittern (DE)
Krisiun (BR)
Krypts (FI)
Lantern (FI)
Last Days Of Humanity (NL)
Lay Down Rotten (DE)
Left To Die (US)
Legal Hate (DE)
Legion Of The Damned (NL)
Leichenwasser (DE)
Lie In Ruins (FI)
Lifeless (DE)
Lihhamon (DE)
LIK - Sthlm (SE)
Live Burial (GB)
Living Gate (BE)
Lock Up (GB)
Lucifericon (NL)
Lunatic Dictator (DE)
Lvcifyre (GB)
Maat (DE)
Maceration (DK)
Madenfraß (DE)
Maere (DE)
Maggots (DE)
Malevolent Creation (US)
Malicious Curse (DE)
Malnourished (DE)
Mangled Torsos (DE)
Manos (DE)
Manøver (DE)
Manus Mortis (DE)
Mara (LV)
Mass Worship (SE)
Massacre (US)
Massafaction (DE)
Massive Assault (NL)
Master (US)
Mathyr (DE)
Mauler (DE)
Maurda (DE)
May The Silence Fail (DE)
Mecalimb (NO)
Memoriam (GB)
Menerra (DE)
Menschwalsch (NL)
Merciless (SE)
Mercyless (FR)
Milking The Goatmachine (DE)
Mind Carnage (DE)
Minenfeld (DE)
Misanthrope (FR)
Misanthropic Torsion (AT)
Misery Index (US)
Mitochondrion (CA)
Mivedantal (CZ)
Mnemocide (CH)
Monastery (HU)
Monstrosity (US)
Monument Of Misanthropy (AT)
Morast (DE)
Morbid Angel (US)
Morbid Enema (DE)
Morbific (FI)
Morbus Chron (SE)
Morgoth (DE)
Moribund Scum (DE)
Mörk Gryning (SE)
Morsch (DE)
Mortal Factor (CH)
Mortal Hatred (DE)
Mortal Terror (DE)
Mortem (NO)
Mortiferum (US)
Mortuary (DE)
Mouflon (NL)
Mourning Beloveth (IE)
Mouth of Madness (DE)
Mucupurulent (DE)
Muggeseggel (DE)
My Darkest Hate (DE)
Mytherine (DE)
Mytnorr (DE)
Nailed to Obscurity (DE)
Nakkeknaekker (DK)
Nameless Death (DE)
Napalm Death (GB)
Naraka (FR)
Nargate (DE)
Neckbreakker (DK)
Necrobode (PT)
Necrocracy (GB)
Necrodeath (IT)
Necromance (DE)
Necromorph (DE)
Necropsy (DE)
Necros Christos (DE)
Necrosadistic Goat Torture (GB)
Necrosy (IT)
Necrot (US)
Necrotesque (NL)
Necrotic Flesh (DE)
Necrotted (DE)
Necrowretch (FR)
Negator (DE)
Nekrodeus (AT)
Nekrovault (DE)
Nekus (DE)
Nero Di Marte (IT)
Nervochaos (BR)
New World Depression (DE)
Nexion (IS)
Night Crowned (SE)
Nightbearer (DE)
Nightmarer (US)
Ninkharsag (GB)
No Return (FR)
Noctem (ES)
Nocturnal Graves (AU)
Nocturnus (US)
Nocturnus AD (US)
Nordic Raid (DE)
Norgaahl (DE)
Norkh (DE)
Nuclear (CL)
Nuclear Magick (DE)
Nunslaughter (US)
Nyogthaeblisz (US)
Obituary (US)
Obliteration (NO)
Obscenity (DE)
Obscura (DE)
Obscure Infinity (DE)
Obscurity (DE)
Obstinacy (DE)
Oceano (US)
October Tide (SE)
Of Feather and Bone (US)
Ofermod (SE)
Offended by Cellar (DE)
Omophagia (CH)
Opacity (DE)
Ophis (DE)
Oraculum (CL)
Orae (DE)
Organectomy (NZ)
Origin of Zed (DE)
Orphan Execution (DE)
Orphaned Land (IL)
Orth (DE)
Ossarium (DE)
Ossuary (US)
Paganizer (SE)
Painful (DE)
Painfull (DE)
Painstyle (DE)
Pale Spektre (DE)
Pandemia (CZ)
PanzerkreuzeR (DE)
Panzerkrieg 666 (DE)
Paradise Lost (GB)
Parricide (DE)
Pedagogic Torment (DE)
Pentacle (NL)
Pentagram Chile (CL)
Pequod (DE)
Perish (DE)
Pestifer (BE)
Pestilence (NL)
Pestilent Reign (DE)
Phantom Corporation (DE)
Phobophilic (US)
Plagueborne (DE)
Plaguemace (DK)
Plasma (DE)
Plebeian Grandstand (FR)
Pleurisy (NL)
Possessed (US)
Possession (BE)
Pray for Pain (AT)
Prehistoric War Cult (DE)
Processor (DE)
Profanity (DE)
Prosatanos (DE)
Psycroptic (AU)
Public Grave (DE)
Pungent Stench (AT)
Pupil Slicer (GB)
Pure Massacre (DE)
Purgatory (DE)
Purgatory Throne (DE)
Purnama (CZ)
Purtenance (FI)
Puteraeon (SE)
Putrid Offal (FR)
Pyrexia (US)
Ranzer (DE)
Raped Cadaver (DE)
RaptvrE (DE)
Rats of Gomorrah (DE)
RazorRape (SE)
Realm of Chaos (DE)
Rebaelliun (BR)
Recapture (DE)
Reckless Manslaughter (DE)
Refusal (FI)
Regnum Noricum (AT)
Reptilian (NO)
Repuked (SE)
Repulsion (US)
Repulsive Feast (DE)
Requiem (CH)
Resurgency (GR)
Resurrected (DE)
Reveal (SE)
Revel in Flesh (DE)
Revenge (CA)
Reversed (CA)
Richthammer (AT)
Rings Of Saturn (US)
Ripped to Shreds (US)
Rippikoulu (FI)
Rise of Kronos (DE)
Rites of Thy Degringolade (CA)
Ritual Death (NO)
Rivers Of Nihil (US)
Rogash (DE)
Rotborn (BR)
Rotpit (SE)
Rotten Pope (DE)
Rotting Demise (DE)
Rotting Empire (DE)
Runemagick (SE)
Sabiendas (DE)
Sacrifice In Fire (DE)
Sacrilegious Rite (DE)
Sadistic Intent (US)
Sadus (US)
Salem (IL)
Sangre (US)
Sanguisugabogg (US)
Saraksh (DE)
Sarcastic Terror (AT)
Sardonic (DE)
Sasquatch (DE)
Saturnus (DK)
Scalpture (DE)
Scars Of Violence (DE)
Scävenger (AT)
Schammasch (CH)
Schirenc Plays Pungent Stench (AT)
Schizophrenia (BE)
Scion Of Darkness (AT)
Seasons in Black (DE)
Seconddeath (DE)
Sektor (DE)
Self Loather (DE)
Septage (DK)
Sepulcher (NO)
Sepulchral Curse (FI)
Serrabulho (PT)
Severe Torture (NL)
Sextrash (BR)
Shadowspawn (DK)
Sic(k)reation (DE)
Sign of Cain (IL)
Sijjin (DE)
Silent Decay (DE)
Sinister (NL)
Sinners Bleed (DE)
Sirrush (IT)
Sisters Of Suffocation (NL)
Sisyphean (LT)
Six Feet Under (US)
Skaphos (FR)
Skeletal Remains (US)
Skelethal (FR)
Skkrapnel (DE)
Skulds (DE)
Skull Crusher (AT)
Skum (DE)
Slaughter Messiah (BE)
Slaughterday (DE)
Sodomized Cadaver (GB)
Soldiers Bloodcraft (CH)
Sonne Adam (IL)
Sorcery (SE)
Soul Grinder (DE)
Sould Grinder (DE)
Souldevourer (DE)
Sovereign (NO)
Spearhead - A Tribute to Bolt Thrower (DE)
Spectral Apparition (GB)
Spectral Damnation (BE)
Spectrum Mortis (ES)
Spoil Engine (BE)
Sterbhaus (SE)
Stillbirth (DE)
Stormlord (IT)
Stormrage (AT)
Strangle Wire (GB)
Strigoi (GB)
SubOrbital (DE)
Success Will Write Apocalypse Across The Sky (US)
Succubus (DE)
Sucking Leech (DE)
Suffer Yourself (SE)
Suffered Flesh (DE)
Suffering Hour (US)
Suffocation (US)
Suicide Silence (US)
Sulphur Aeon (DE)
Sum Lights (DE)
Summer's Dying (DE)
Summoner's Circle (US)
Surface (DE)
Survivors Zero (FI)
Svart Crown (FR)
Svarthart (BE)
Svartkonst (SE)
Swallow The Sun (FI)
Swashbuckle (US)
Swordmaster (SE)
Systematic Eradication (DE)
Tales of Ratatösk (DE)
Taphos (DK)
Tchornobog (US)
Teethgrinder (NL)
Temple Of Dread (DE)
Tenebrae Aeternum (CH)
Teratoma (DE)
Terminal Carnage (DE)
Terminal Filth (DE)
Terrifying Parasites (DE)
Terrorblade (DE)
Terrorizer (US)
Tethra (IT)
Thanatos (NL)
The Course is Black (DE)
The Faceless (US)
The Flesh Trading Company (DE)
The Fog (DE)
The Lurking Fear (SE)
The Moth (DE)
The Oath (FR)
The Old Dead Tree (FR)
The Omega Swarm (DE)
The Ominous Circle (PT)
The Order Of Apollyon (FR)
The Ordher (BR)
The Phobos Ensemble (AT)
The Resistance (SE)
The Spirit (DE)
The Unnamed Deathers (DE)
Theotoxin (AT)
This Ending (SE)
Thorium (DK)
Thornafire (CL)
Thorybos (DE)
Throneum (PL)
Thulcandra (DE)
Thulsa Doom (IT)
Thy Kingdom Will Burn (FI)
Tides Of Sulfur (GB)
Todbringer (DE)
Torment of Souls (DE)
Tormented (SE)
Tortharry (CZ)
Torture Cult (DE)
Torture Killer (FI)
TortureSlave (DE)
Torturized (DE)
Total Annihilation (CH)
Toward The Throne (FR)
Trapjaw (DE)
Trial of Death (DE)
Trigger The Bloodshed (GB)
Triptykon (CH)
Trivax (GB)
Truppensturm (DE)
Truth Corroded (AU)
Tuskinan (DE)
Tyrmfar (CH)
Ulsect (NL)
Ulthar (US)
Ultima Necat (DE)
Undergang (DK)
Unholy Grave (JP)
Unleashed (SE)
Unlocked (NL)
Vacivus (GB)
Vader (PL)
Vaginalmassaker (DE)
Valborg (DE)
Vale of Pnath (US)
Valkenrag (PL)
Vallenfyre (GB)
Vāmācāra (DE)
Vanhelgd (SE)
Vanum (US)
Vassafor (NZ)
Venefixion (FR)
Venenum (DE)
Venom Prison (GB)
Venomous Skeleton (IL)
Verderver (DE)
Vibrio Cholera (DE)
Vile (US)
Vinsta (AT)
Vircolac (IE)
Virocracy (DE)
Virus 41 (DE)
Viscera (GB)
Visceral Disgorge (US)
Vital Remains (US)
Vitriol (US)
Vltimas (PT)
Voice Of Destruction (ZA)
Void Creation (AT)
Voltumna (IT)
Vomit Forth (US)
Vomit Spell (DE)
Vomit The Soul (IT)
Vomitheist (CH)
Vomitory (SE)
Voodus (SE)
Vorax (CH)
Voreus (DE)
Vortex of End (FR)
Vorum (AX)
Vredehammer (NO)
Vulvathrone (SI)
Wake (CA)
Waking The Cadaver (US)
Warfield Within (DE)
Warfuck (FR)
Warpath (DE)
Warside (FR)
Wayward Dawn (DK)
Weak Aside (DE)
When At Night (DE)
Wilt (DE)
Witch Vomit (US)
Witchcult 71 (NL)
Wombbath (SE)
Woods Of Grief (DE)
Worm (US)
Wound (DE)
Wrahha (DE)
Wretched Fate (SE)
Xenoblight (DK)
Xibalba (US)
Xicution (DE)
Xternity (DE)
Xtinction (DE)
Yardfield Colony (DE)
Yautja (US)
YspotopsY (DE)
Yxxan (SE)
Zatokrev (CH)
Zhrine (IS)
Ziegenhorn (EE)