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Künstler, beginnend mit M:
M:40 (SE)
M.A.D. (DE)
M.A.O. (DE)
M.I.God (DE)
M.O.D. (US)
Maahes (DE)
Maat (DE)
Macabre (US)
Macabre Demise (DE)
Macbeth (DE)
MacCabe & Kanaka (DE)
Maceration (DK)
Machine Code (DE)
Machine Head (US)
Machines A Sous (DE)
Machukha (DE)
Mad Dog (IT)
Mad Maxx (US)
Madball (US)
Madenfraß (DE)
Madison Affair (DE)
Maelføy (DE)
Maere (DE)
Maggot Heart (DE)
Maggots (DE)
Magic Circle (US)
Mago (SE)
Magoth (DE)
Magrudergrind (US)
MaidaVale (SE)
MainTallica (DE)
Majak (DE)
Majesty (DE)
Major Overdrive (DE)
Make a Change... Kill Yourself (DK)
Make Them Suffer (AU)
Makhaira (DE)
Malakhim (SE)
Maledictio Mortis (DE)
Malevolence (GB)
Malevolent Creation (US)
Malicious Curse (DE)
Malignancy (US)
Malignant Tumor (CZ)
Mallevs Maleficarvm (DE)
Malnourished (DE)
Malokarpatan (SK)
Malphas (CH)
Malrun (DK)
Malum (FI)
Mambo Kurt (DE)
Mammoth Storm (SE)
Man Must Die (GB)
Mānbryne (PL)
Mandelbrot (DE)
Mandragora Thuringia (DE)
Mandrax Queen (DE)
Månegarm (SE)
Manest (DE)
Mangled Torsos (DE)
Manic Disease (AT)
Manilla Road (US)
Manntra (HR)
Manos (DE)
Manøver (DE)
Mansur (NL)
Mantar (DE)
Manticora (DK)
Mantrum (DE)
Manus Mortis (DE)
Many Blessings (US)
Mara (LV)
Marathonmann (DE)
Marcus van Langen (DE)
Marduk (SE)
Mare (NO)
Margarita Witch Cult (GB)
Marilyn Manson (US)
Marita Schreck (DE)
Markize (FR)
Maroon (DE)
Marraskuulta (DE)
Mars Red Sky (FR)
Marthe (IT)
Martin Turner (GB)
Martwa Aura (PL)
Martyrion (DE)
MartYriuM (MT)
Maschinenkrieger KR52 vs. Disraptor (DE)
Maschinist (DE)
Mass Hysteria (FR)
Mass of the Fermenting Dregs (JP)
Mass Worship (SE)
Massacre (US)
Massafaction (DE)
Massive Assault (NL)
Master (US)
Master's Call (GB)
Master's Hammer (CZ)
Masters Elite (NL)
Masters of Noise (DE)
Masters of Reality (US)
Mastic Scum (AT)
Mater Monstifera (CZ)
Mathyr (DE)
Matricide (IL)
Matta (GB)
Matterhorn (CH)
Maud the moth (ES)
Mauler (DE)
Maurda (DE)
Mavis (DE)
Mavorim (DE)
Max & Iggor Cavalera (BR)
Maxime Mouquet (FR)
Maximize Bestiality (DE)
May The Silence Fail (DE)
May The Tempest (DE)
MaYaN (NL)
maybeshewill (GB)
Mayflower (DE)
Mayhem (NO)
Maylene And The Sons Of Disaster (US)
MC Ruffian (NL)
mclusky (GB)
MDS51 (DE)
Me And That Man (PL)
Meagashira (NL)
Mecalimb (NO)
Mechanic Tyrants (DE)
Mechanix (DE)
Medea Rising (DE)
Medico Peste (PL)
Mega Colossus (US)
Megadeth (US)
Megaherz (DE)
Megaton Sword (CH)
Mekong Age (DE)
Melechesh (IL)
Melkus (DE)
Melodramatic Fools (DE)
Membaris (DE)
Members Of The Beast (DE)
Memoriam (GB)
Menerra (DE)
Menhir (DE)
Menog (PT)
Menschwalsch (NL)
Mental Cruelty (DE)
Mental Destruction (SE)
Mental Exile (DE)
Mental Theo (NL)
Mentor (PL)
Mephorash (SE)
Mercenary (DK)
Merciful Nuns (DE)
Merciless (SE)
Mercyful Fate (DK)
Mercyless (FR)
Merrimack (FR)
Mesarthim (AU)
Mesh (GB)
Meshuggah (SE)
Messa (IT)
Messerkult (DE)
Messiah (CH)
Messor Falce (NL)
Meta Meat (FR)
Metal Church (US)
Metal Inquisitor (DE)
Metall (DE)
Metallica (US)
Metallus (PL)
Metalmind (DE)
Methane (SE)
Metlash (DE)
Metsatöll (EE)
Metusa (DE)
Meurtrières (FR)
Mezire (DE)
Mezzrow (SE)
Mgła (PL)
Michael Idehall (SE)
Middle Fingers High (GR)
midfielder (DE)
Midiride (DE)
Midnattsol (DE)
Midnight (US)
Midnight Odyssey (AU)
Midvinterblot (SE)
Mightiest (DE)
Mighty Dragonlords of the Promised Land (DE)
Mika Goedrijk (BE)
Mike Litoris Complot (LU)
Mila Mar (DE)
Mila Masu (DE)
Mildreda (BE)
Militia (BE)
Milking The Goatmachine (DE)
Mimetic (CH)
Mimi Barks (GB)
Minami Deutsch (JP)
Minas Morgul (DE)
Mind Carnage (DE)
Mind Like Hurricanes (DE)
Mind Patrol (CH)
Mindcrawler (DE)
Mindustries (NL)
Mindwars (US)
Minenfeld (DE)
Minupren (DE)
Minus Green (AT)
Mirrors (GB)
Misanthrope (FR)
Misanthropia (NL)
Misanthropic Might (AT)
Misanthropic Torsion (AT)
Miserere Luminis (CA)
Misery Index (US)
Misery Signals (US)
Misery Speaks (DE)
Misotheist (NO)
Miss K8 (UA)
Miss May I (US)
Mission In Black (DE)
Misþyrming (IS)
Mitochondrion (CA)
Mivedantal (CZ)
Mizery (US)
Mlada Fronta (FR)
Mnemocide (CH)
Mnemonic (DE)
Mnima (GR)
Moaan Exis (FR)
Mobthrow (DE)
Moby Dig (DE)
Modder (BE)
Modern Day Babylon (CZ)
Modfälld (DE)
Molassess (NL)
Mole + Jean Philippe B2B (DE)
molllust (DE)
Molly Nilsson (DE)
Moloch (PL)
Moloch+E.H.E (DE)
Moment of Truth (DE)
Mona Mur (DE)
Monachus (SE)
Monastery (HU)
Mondernte (IS)
Mondo Generator (US)
Monkey3 (CH)
Mono (JP)
Mono Inc. (DE)
Mono Monk (DE)
Mono No Aware (DE)
Mono-Amine (NL)
Monochromatic Black (US)
Monolith (BE)
Monolith (DE)
Monolog (DE)
Monolord (SE)
Monosphere (DE)
Monster Magnet (US)
Monstrosity (US)
Monument (GB)
Monument Of Misanthropy (AT)
Monya (DE)
Moogulator (DE)
Moon Shot (FI)
Moon Woman (AT)
Moonlight Sorcery (FI)
Moonsorrow (FI)
Moonspell (PT)
Moor (DE)
Mor Dagor (DE)
Morast (DE)
Morbid Alcoholica (DE)
Morbid Angel (US)
Morbid Enema (DE)
Morbid Saint (US)
Morbific (FI)
Morbus Chron (SE)
Morbus Dei (DE)
Morbus M. (DE)
Mord'A'Stigmata (PL)
More Than A Thousand (PT)
Morgana Lefay (SE)
Morgarten (CH)
Morgengrau (DE)
Morgenröthe (DE)
Morgenstern (DE)
Morgoth (DE)
Moribund (DE)
Moribund Oblivion (TR)
Moribund Scum (DE)
Moridin (NL)
Mork (NO)
Mörk Gryning (SE)
Morne (US)
Mornir (DE)
Morost (SI)
Morpholith (IS)
Morrlock (DE)
Mors Principium Est (FI)
Morsch (DE)
Mortaja (DE)
Mortal Factor (CH)
Mortal Form (DE)
Mortal Hatred (DE)
Mortal Infinity (DE)
Mortal Strike (AT)
Mortal Terror (DE)
Mortem (NO)
Mortem Agmen (DE)
Morthound (SE)
Mortifero (NL)
Mortiferum (US)
Mortiis (NO)
Mortjuri (DE)
Mortuary (DE)
Mortuary Drape (IT)
Mortuus (SE)
Morvigor (NL)
Mosaic (DE)
Mosher's Night (DE)
Moshquito (DE)
Mother Augusta (IT)
Mother Engine (DE)
Mother Misery (SE)
Mother's Cake (AT)
Mothership (US)
Motionless In White (US)
Motörcult (DE)
Motörhead (GB)
Motorjesus (DE)
Motorowl (DE)
Motorpsycho (NO)
Mouflon (NL)
Mount Gammaray Burns (DE)
Mount Hush (DE)
Mountain Throne (DE)
Mourmansk 150 (FR)
Mournful Congregation (AU)
Mournful Winter (DE)
Mourning Beloveth (IE)
Mourning Wood (NL)
Mouth of Madness (DE)
Mørket (FI)
Mr Marcaille (BE)
Mr. Hurley & Die Pulveraffen (DE)
Mr. Irish Bastard (DE)
MS Gentur (DE)
Mucupurulent (DE)
Mucus (BE)
Muggeseggel (DE)
Muggles (BE)
Mumakil (CH)
Munarheim (DE)
Mundtot (DE)
Municipal Waste (US)
Múr (IS)
Mürderhead (DE)
Mustasch (SE)
Mütterlein (FR)
Mutz & The Blackeyed Banditz (DE)
My Cold Embrace (DE)
My Darkest Hate (DE)
My Dominion (DE)
My Dying Bride (GB)
My Favourite Nemesis (FI)
My Sleeping Karma (DE)
Myeyesgrowdarker (DE)
Mynded (DE)
Myra (DE)
Mýrdal (DE)
Myrkskog (NO)
Myrkur (DK)
Myrkvid (FR)
Mystagogue (NL)
Mysterivm Xarxes (AT)
Mystic Circle (DE)
Mystic Mind (ex. Novalis Deux) (DE)
Mystic Prophecy (DE)
Mysticum (NO)
Mystifier (BR)
Mythemia (DE)
Mytherine (DE)
Mytnorr (DE)