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Hardcore Punk
153 Künstler im
"Hardcore Punk"
'68 (US)
A Day To Remember (US)
Additional Time (DE)
Agnostic Front (US)
All For Nothing (NL)
Amplified Hate (DE)
Anime Torment (CZ)
As I Lay Dying (US)
Ashes Of A Lifetime (DE)
Asocial (SE)
Astroid Boys (GB)
Atari Teenage Riot (DE)
Backtrack (US)
Bait (DE)
Bale (DE)
Bane (US)
Bastard Royalty (DE)
Beartooth (US)
Betablocker (DE)
BillyBio (US)
Biohazard (US)
Birds in Row (FR)
Bite (DE)
Bleeding Through (US)
Blockheads (FR)
Blood Youth (GB)
Booze & Glory (GB)
Broken Teeth (GB)
Burn (US)
Cancer Bats (CA)
Caos Cartel (DE)
Casey Jones (US)
Cavalerie (FR)
Chemicide (CR)
Choke me (DE)
Cloud Rat (US)
Coldside (US)
Comeback Kid (US)
Crushing Caspars (DE)
Dagger Threat (DE)
Danforth (FR)
Darkest Hour (US)
Deadline (GB)
Deaftrap (DE)
Death By Stereo (US)
Deez Nuts (AU)
Dekonstrukt (DE)
Destrage (IT)
Die Heart (DE)
Disfear (SE)
Dog Eat Dog (US)
Down To Nothing (US)
Dr. Living Dead! (SE)
Empty Skies (DE)
Escoban (DE)
Evergreen Terrace (US)
Every Time I Die (US)
Extinction A.D. (US)
First Blood (US)
Foreseen (FI)
Ghostemane (US)
Gloomster (DE)
God Mother (SE)
Gravity Lost (DE)
H2O (US)
Hand Of Mercy (AU)
Harrowist (AT)
Hartplatz Session (DE)
Hostile (DE)
HotRod Mayhem (DE)
Hurricane Hoagascht (DE)
Ignite (US)
Isolated QTW (DE)
Jack Torrance (DE)
Kickdown (AT)
Knocked Loose (US)
Kratzer (DE)
Kuder (DE)
Light Your Anchor (DE)
M:40 (SE)
Madball (US)
Malevolence (GB)
Melkus (DE)
Mentor (PL)
Mizery (US)
Moment of Truth (DE)
Mortal Form (DE)
Muggles (BE)
Municipal Waste (US)
Nasty (BE)
Ninetynine (DE)
No Turning Back (NL)
Northlane (AU)
Of Feather and Bone (US)
Ondt Blod (NO)
Out for Change (DE)
Parasite Dreams (AT)
Portrayal Of Guilt (US)
Pro-Pain (US)
Protection of Hate (DE)
Raging Speedhorn (GB)
Raised Fist (SE)
Rawside (DE)
Refused (SE)
Rise Of The Northstar (FR)
Risk It! (DE)
Rogues (DE)
Ryker's (DE)
Sendeschluss (DE)
Sheer Terror (US)
Shoot The Girl First (FR)
Siberian Meat Grinder (RU)
Sick Of It All (US)
Skyshaper (DE)
Slamdamn (DE)
Slapshot (US)
Slice Of Life (DE)
Smoke Blow (DE)
Society-Off (DE)
Spazztic Blurr (US)
Staredown (DE)
Stick To Your Guns (US)
Stray From The Path (US)
Suicidal Tendencies (US)
Sworn Enemy (US)
Take Offense (US)
Tausend Löwen Unter Feinden (DE)
Teamkiller (DE)
Terror (US)
The Amsterdam Red-Light District (FR)
The Armed (US)
The Baboon Show (SE)
The Ghost Inside (US)
The Pill (DE)
the romp (DE)
This aint Life (DE)
Thraenenkind (DE)
Toxic Shock (BE)
Toxpack (DE)
Turnstile (US)
Tyranthrope (DE)
Venomous Concept (US)
Vera Cruz (FR)
Verrat (AT)
Vision Of Disorder (US)
Walls Of Jericho (US)
We Set The Sun (DE)
Wolfbrigade (SE)
WolfXDown (DE)
Your Demise (GB)